The theme for 2025 is Let's Celebrate!
Complete this quick form to add your activity to the inspiring pool of ideas contributed across the motu. Over 3,500 ideas have been shared since 2019, connecting people at a neighbourhood level and encouraging others to take part.
Once you’ve signed up, we’ll send you a welcome pack straight to your inbox packed with everything you need to get started, including helpful resources and information to support you along the way.
Neighbours Aotearoa will take place from 1-31 March 2025
“Welcome the new neighbours to the street”
“A picnic in the park”
“Free garage sale at our home—we have many things we no longer need in our household, as well as some items from my elderly mother. We will share these with anyone in our community who can use them.”
“Come over for a chat, some kai and connect”
“Introduce ourselves to our new neighbourhood”
“Community Pool Party”
“Plant produce and preserves swap day”
“Surprise our neighbours with biscuits”
“A garden tour of local gardens on our street”
“Working bee and coffee and chat”