Southland District Council Community Funds

  • consideration will be given to all funding requests on a case by case basis. The board will give preference to applications that directly benefit the community board area and link to the community board plan outcomes
  • there is no cap on the amount applicants can request
  • co-funding is preferable, but not essential
  • if possible applicants are to come to a board meeting and speak to their application
  • groups do not have to be a legal entity to apply, and individuals will be considered on a case by case basis

Funding via Community Partnership Fund is available in the following areas:

Closing dates: 31 January, 31 May and 30 September each year

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Selwyn District Council Meet your Street Funding

Street gatherings are great ways to meet and connect with neighbours, fostering a supportive community where everyone, especially newcomers, feels welcome and included.

To support these gatherings, a subsidy of up to $100 per event is offered through the Meet Your Street funding, available year-round.

  • An application form must be submitted and approved by the Council Staff administering this subsidy prior to the gathering.
  • The maximum amount of funding is up to $100.
  • Payment is made after the event, and once receipts and a completed claim form have been received.

The Selwyn District Council Funding team can be contacted for more info at

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Selwyn District Council Community Funding

The purpose of the Community Fund is to support initiatives that make Waikirikiri Selwyn a great place to live, work, and play by contributing to community wellbeing, bringing communities together, celebrating the District’s taonga, and attracting visitors to the District.

There are four funding rounds per year.

The Selwyn District Council Funding team can be contacted for more info at

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Queenstown Lakes District Council Local Community Support

Funding is available to support local events, fundraising and community projects that sustain community health and wellbeing in our district.  All supported events, projects or fundraising activities must be held in the Queenstown Lakes District.

This support is provided in the form of “in kind” contributions of QLDC services or resources. In most cases, cash funding will not be paid to the successful applicant. Instead all approved costs will be paid directly by QLDC. Costs covered may also include support for local suppliers of event services.

Submit the application at least 20 working days prior to your event or project start date, to ensure enough time consider your application and respond.

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Nelson City Council Neighbourhood Project Grants

Applications for matching funds of up to $500 can be made by informal and /or formal neighbourhood and community groups.

Applications can be made at any time of the year and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Applications need to be received four weeks prior to the event happening.

In the first instance please make contact with the Community partnerships team to discuss your project and idea, and to see if there is resource in this funding round to enable your idea/activity to come to fruition.

Please call 03 539 5573 or email Community Partnerships Adviser

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MacKenzie District Council Community Board Grants

Each Community Board area has a contestable grants pool to encourage and support not-for-profit organisations that have a positive impact on the community. The grants help local organisations pay for specific projects, events, or the maintenance of facilities that benefit the community.

It is preferable that the organisations applying for these grants are incorporated societies or trusts, but informal organisations and individuals may also apply.

Twizel (up to $500), Tekapo (up to $1000) and Fairlie (up to $250) Community Board grants are available.

Your application will be included on the agenda of the next community board meeting, where it will be discussed by the community board and a decision made. You are welcome to attend the meeting and speak at the public forum if there is anything you would like to add to your application.

After the meeting you will be notified of the result of your application.

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Amuri Irrigation Community Fund

The Community Fund is intended to foster the development of sporting, recreational or social activities of groups or individuals living within the Amuri Basin (Culverden, Rotherham or Waiau). Grants of up to $1000 are available in two funding rounds which close in February and August of each year (although under special circumstances we can consider applications outside of the designated funding rounds).

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Dunedin City Council Small Projects Grants

The DCC wishes to support a wide range of projects through its Small Project Grants and will take into consideration both the purpose and locations of projects when making decisions.

Organisations must provide a 50% investment toward the total cost of the project. This can be volunteer hours (calculated at the Living Wage), donated goods or any funds you have to contribute. The remaining 50% can be matched by a grant of up to $500.

Decisions will be made within ten days of receiving application.

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Dunedin City Council Neighbourhood Matching Grants

Available for activities and projects that bring people living in neighbourhoods and close communities together.

Grant value $0 - $500

A decision will be made within 10 days of receiving application.

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Christchurch Community Board Small Funds

Community Board grants to assist individuals and groups in their local area to undertake small community projects.

Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood up to $500

Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote up to $300

Waipuna Halswell, Hornby and Riccarton up to $400

Decisions made within two weeks of application.

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Central Otago District Council Funding

Promotions grants provide funding that helps meet community needs/desires for events or activities that enhance the experience of locals and visitors. Funding is targeted to attracting people to visit, stay, or reside in the area for the betterment of existing residents and ratepayers. These grants are funded from targeted rates in each ward.

Applications are made to the Community Board in which area the project/s occur, Cromwell, Vincent, Teviot or Maniototo.

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Whakatāne District Council Community Board Fund

The Community Board Discretionary Fund provides financial assistance for local initiatives that benefit the communities within a Community Board area. Any community group or voluntary organisation domiciled in a specific Community Board area can apply for a grant from the fund associated with that Community Board. Applications are accepted throughout the year subject to funding availability - there is no set application period.

Funding applications need to be submitted to the Governance Support Advisor 10 working days before the community board meeting for inclusion.


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Waikato District Council Rural Ward Funding

Waikato District Council has funding available to assist community groups, non-commercial groups and voluntary organisations operating within our rural areas for projects that benefit the wider communities. Does not support applications from individuals.

Applications to be presented to the boards/committee’s chair or funding representative two weeksprior to the next scheduled meeting.

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Waikato District Community Boards

Any community group, non-commercial group or voluntary organisation can apply for a grant. Applications from individuals will not be accepted.

Applications to be presented to the boards/committee’s chair or funding representative two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting of the relevant community board:

huntly, meremere, ngaruawahia, raglan, taupiri, te kauwhata, tuakau

If you are outside of these areas, you may be able to apply for funding through the rural fund.

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Tauranga Community Development Match Fund

Tauranga City Council's Community Development Match Fund is about helping groups deliver new initiatives that foster strong, innovative and vibrant communities, by contributing 50% of the project costs. Applications are welcomed from not-for-profit groups, communities of interest, tangata whenua organisations, informal and grassroots neighbourhood groups

No closing dates. Turnaround time 4 weeks.

Grant value up to $10000

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Rotorua Lakes Council Small Neighbourhood Matching Fund

The purpose of this fund is to bring people together to build stronger communities and neighbourhoods by providing resources for self-help projects, which link to Rotorua 2030 goals.

The priorities for this fund include:

  • Bringing people together to collaborate on neighbourhood projects.
  • Empowering people to enhance and strengthen their own neighbourhood.
  • Contributing to families and whanau working, playing and talking together.
  • Renewing and revitalising of places and spaces within neighbourhoods.
  • Improving the quality of life in a specific community or neighbourhood.

All projects should be initiated, planned and implemented by people living in the Rotorua district. Every grant is matched by neighbourhood or community resources of volunteer labour, donated materials, donated professional services, or cash.

Grant value $50 - $5000

No closing dates

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Wairoa District Council Mayoral Grant

Wairoa District Council is committed to establishing its vision – “Connected Communities. Desirable Lifestyles. Treasured Environments.”The Mayoral Grants Scheme provides generic, discretionary small donations with a simple process for community members/organisations seeking financial support. Grants are to assist an individual towards achieving their potential or help build communities.

Grant value $0 - $200

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Matamata-Piako District Events Funding

Are you running an event to benefit the community within our district?

What kinds of events are eligible for funding?

The event must

  • Be held within Matamata-Piako District.
  • Have the potential to attract a significant number of visitors.
  • Have potential to become an iconic event.
  • Have strong support from the community and business sector.
  • Be supported by a business case.
  • Contribute to Council’s Vision and Outcomes.
  • Enable and provide economic opportunities in the district.
  • Encourage participation across diverse communities and provide opportunities for the wider community to increase social connection.

There are no funding round application dates. Applications can be made at any time during the year.

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Kapiti Coast Community Board Grants

Community board grants are available to groups or individuals who promise a future input into the development of community, cultural or sports activities within our District. Each community board has one or more grant schemes. Funding is available in Ōtaki, Paraparaumu, Paekākāriki, Raumati and Waikenae and are generally due some time before the board's monthly meeting.

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The Paekākāriki Services Club Community Grants Trust Fund

This Fund is administered by the Paekākāriki Services Club. The grant application process will be managed by the Paekākāriki Services Club Community Grants Trust Fund and the maximum grant payable is at the behest of the Paekākāriki Services Club and the Paekākāriki Community Board. The Council will act as a mailbox for applications received which will be forwarded on to the Paekākāriki Services Club. The purpose of the grants is to provide financial assistance to organisations or community groups for projects or activities that promote the well-being of the Paekākāriki community, particularly youth, and show clear community benefit.

To apply, please contact Paekākāriki Services Club Community Trustee, Steven Joiner:

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Paekakariki Campe Estate Community Grant

Organisations and individuals providing services which benefit the Paekākāriki community, especially young people, are eligible to apply for this grant.

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Central Hawkes Bay Community Pride & Vibrancy

The Community Pride & Vibrancy fund seeks to support community opportunities to create pride and vibrancy in Central Hawke’s Bay.  The fund supports projects that are an activity, programme or development that will occur in a public space and promotes our community to THRIVE.

Applications for the Community Pride & Vibrancy fund are open and may be submitted at any time by logging into your Smarty Grants account via our online Grants Portal.  Applications must be submitted at least one month before the planned start date of your activity, event or project.

Successful applications will result in outcomes that support our communities identity, attract people’s interest, inspire and engage people and overall, contribute to a sense of community. Applications to the fund may not always be monetary and could include the provision of material, labour or other support.

For further information about eligibility or the application process refer to the Community Funding Policy listed above or you can contact us on 857 8060 or via email: .

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Te Hapai Ora – Regional Community Outcomes Fund

To be eligible for this fund, you will need to:

  • Have a credible track record of completing activities.
  • Reside within the Bay of Plenty.

The activity will need to:

Grant value $0 - $2000

Deadline/timeframe not specified.

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Auckland City Local Board Grants

Funding for Neighbours Aotearoa events is available in local board areas:

Albert-Eden, Henderson-Massey, Puketāpapa, Waitākere, Whau

Grant value varies $200 - $500

Other local boards may have relevant funding. Click below to check yours.

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Eco Matters

Want to make a positive impact in your local environment, but need funds to help make this happen? Eco Matters facilitates several grants in partnership with Auckland Council. Having easy access to resources like this helps keen community members to restore the whenua (land) in many different ways.

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