How to get involved?

Neighbours Aotearoa is about connecting with the people around you in your neighbourhood and community. There are so many ways you and your neighbourhood can take part - it can be as big or small as you want to make it. For 2024, we're encouraging people to organise an activity or event around the theme Growing Together

Tools to support you

  • Download our activity toolkit. This has editable invites and posters to help you promote your event or activity
  • We're happy to promote your activity or event! All you need to do is register it and we will pop it up on our website. Register your activity or event below.
  • Link up with a connector in your area. They can offer support or advice about taking part (more Connectors coming on board soon!)

Ways you can grow with your neighbours

Growing Together is about nurturing connections, fostering relationships, expanding your network, sharing, and growing participation in your neighbourhood.

Involvement matters! A friendly wave, sharing tea, or hosting a neighbourhood party—you can get involved in many ways based on what’s happening in your life and neighbourhood.

Taking part?

By sharing your idea with us we can see all the wonderful neighbourhood activities and connections being made across Aotearoa. We can also support you with tools, promote your event if it is for the general public and link you up to your local connector.